Just watched victory lane. Where is the footage of Robby hitting the 12 under caution. The only thing they showed was rg and stremme coming into the pits.If thats where they say Robby hit him then I must be blind because all I saw were two guys entering the pits. Robby was close to his bumber but that was it, if he hit him I didn't see it. So where is the footage. After the 12 spun him for the 2nd time I am positive that a camera was following the 7. So show me the video and I will believe he should have gotten parked for 5 laps. Jimmy Spencer said he thinks Stremme should have been paked for the rest of the race.

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I guess the question then is, if Rob hadn't said he didn't care what nascar did, he was gonna wreck the 12, would they still have parked him? I mean, Rob did pretty much call nascar out. Did he think they weren't gonna react somehow? If it was my call, I'da parked the 12 for 5-10 laps, grabbed Kirk,& told him to quiet his driver. If Robby let it drop there, that would be the end of it. However if he even got loose under the 12 in the next 5 races, I'd park him till the checkers.
IMO, if he was gonna wreck the 12, he should've just done it. Not that I'm a shining example, but he needs to watch his damn temper. Again jmo, but I believe it was Rob's mouth that got him parked.
You guys can talk all the shit to me you want, I'm just tryin to look at both sides of the coin. So before you bash me think about this. If say Tony Stewart was bitchin about somebody not gettin out of his way. He then comes on his radio & says the same shit Robby did. Fully knowing Tony WILL follow thru, what should nascar then do?
Spot on Mike! His Mouth will ALWAYS get him in trouble!!!!! He needs to just shutup and take care of business in a timely fashion!!!!
KING KONG JIMMY is the man!! he knows we got the bone, WELL SAID, WHERE IS THE M FUNKIN FOOTAGE
or is this like a na$car phantom caution? I want to know, the people want to know


by the way great job today RG
I understand what your saying but actions mean a lot more then words. The bottom line is Stremme put Robby and other drivers at risk and he could have tore up a lot of equipment. Sorry, but I am gonna wreck him and a little push does not deserve the same or any penalty.

This is another way Nascar is ruining racing. These guys are running on the edge every lap and what is wrong with showing some passion? Maybe Rob should have come on the radio and said, that Dave I wish he would not bump me like that. Maybe we can go out for a cup of tea and crumpets after the race to discuss how we can all get along. Maybe Obama can invite them to the white house for a beer.

Nah, I'll take RG any day.
I would bet if RG thought he was going to get 5 laps, he'd a brushed the 12 little harder.
Kurt Bush threatend to wreck JIMMY SPENCER at Atlanta and did hit him to cut a tire down, NAZICAR did nothing so THE BIG MAN DID IT, and after talking to my freind Jimmy S he told me if he knew they were going to park him for the next weekend, he would have broke more than his nose.
RG put himself 5 laps down by saying he was going to wreck the 12 and Nascar can park him, he didn't care. He bumped the 12 and got parked, so be it, not like he had a chance to win or top 10 so no big deal.

He just needs to shut up and bring his A game next weekend, hopefully the 12 doesn't punt him since he has nothing to lose at the Glen while this is RGs only shot to win for '09.

Winning 1 race would cure all of the agony since 2005.
The day Robby "shuts up" as you say, is the day he will not be Robby Gordon.
Heres to that
it just wouldnt be right, butin this case it seemed he spoke but never acted on it, he thought better of it.
And the day that plenty of us will quite following the #7.
Maybe the words "shut up" were wrong to use in referring to Robby, but it sure would be nice IF he just did what he talks about instead of broadcasting it and doing Nothing!!! Losing points and positions is NOT smart!!!!


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