What kind of stuff is Robby stocking in the souvenir trailer? I imagine there is little to no die cast, but what else does he have? Any monster energy or off road merch? If anyone has pictures PLEASE post them- the curiosity is eating me up inside. Thanks!

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Not much..... very disappointed in what they were stocking today. There was some off-road stuff, but not even any die-casts or even a golf-style shirt. Just tee's, a few stickers, a license plate, and a couple of other small things. Very dissapointing. I didn't see Marchetta, who used to keep the trailer stuffed with good stuff. I wonder if she was let go......
Marchetta no longer works for RGM, sadly!
At michigan they had 2006 diescats, the Eldora car from last year and all of the shirts posted on his website, and a few hats for $20 that just say Jim Beam on them, they didnt have a 7 or say RGM...so if your looking for a hat, stop at walmart on the way
It wasn't at either of the races that I went to this year. Hopefully it'll be at 'Dega. But like Kyle asked, could someone take a few pictures and post them? I'm sure there's got to be a few good t-shirts...
It's "MIA" in Loudon for the September race I am told!!! Two races up here a year and NO souvy trailer!!! Saaad, very saaaaad!!!!
they have some real nice stuff. I would like to see more hoodies and some jackets. Tshirts are nice and they have a lot of hats.
went to my first nationwide race last year and his trailer was there. i bought a couple of small stickers because at the time i didnt have enough money or credit to buy everthing i saw. i was invited by a friend to go to see the lenox 301 my first cup race this year and i saved every cent not knowing that there would be no robby gordon # 7 souvy trailer!! not very happy as i watched the race. the only good part was not buying anything else and going home with a pocket full of cash. have no interest in any other driver. #7 or bust..mouseking7 your right! saaad, very saaaaad!!!!
They have everything you see on the left column of the main page here. They also have 3 diff styles of Jim Beam Hats. As earlier mentioned, they are strictly JB, no RGM, no 7's. New hats are on the way though, don't know how soon, but they should be killer designs. Also stocked are the Dickies shirts (like the one RG wore in the ESPN interview), offered in RGM, & RG O-R. They have the respective brush stroke vehicles on the back. Pit Crew shirts are also offered. There are also a variety of 8x10 glossys, that RG will of course be happy to autograph given your there on raceday.
Keep your eyes open to the online store,& at the track as new stuff is on it's way. Remember RG just took the helm (again) on all his own merch back in June. Everything has to go from the drawing board, to RG, then to the sponsor for approval. Then off to a company to approve,& produce. Can be a painfully long process.
Oh, & Monster had some extra complication as well (can't remember what), that has setback their merch production times.
I'm just really hoping the new merch you mentioned will be out by Richmond next month. Hell, at this point I'm hoping the trailer will actually be there this time. I felt like a fool when I walked around for an hour straight only to find out it wasn't even there at Richmond in May.
Well at Chicago it was the only trailer that was closed before and after the Nationwide race on Friday nite. It was open for the cup race Saturday where Robby signed a couple diecast for me. As someone said earlier its the 06 stuff JB white & black & the Harrahs car. The trailer was at Michigan in June but I see it wont be there this weekend.
Planet Robby T-shirt.....Planet Robby T-shirt.....Planet Robby T-shirt...


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