""While both cars passed postrace inspection, we informed the 48 and 5 they were extremely close on some of the tolerances.""

On another website I read that the "tolerance" was the the thickness of 2 sheets of paper. That's not accidental. Not on two cars.

So, what would the penalty be if it were Robby?

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What would the penalty be to Carl Long?
Knaus: "``If we were cheating, I wouldn't be standing here today, I'd be back in Charlotte. That's not the case.''
"We don't want to get back to past where the bodies were all manipulated. We want to ensure those high tolerances are kept."

Ya right
If they didn't violate the tolerance, why should there be a penalty? If you think they did, where's your proof? If Robby had NOT violated the tolerances, he wouldn't get a penalty either.

Furthermore, Knaus has more nerve than anyone going- especially considering how many times he's been caught. The man wants to win, and he'll dance as close to the rules as possible to do so. Kind of like taking a four mile detour down a cliff in an off-road race....
they are close to a violation and CRAPCAR knows it....They have been warned
The article said MM's car was just barely in, but JJ's was out of tolerance by .006" on a .070" tolerance (almost 10% of the total tolerance). Considering that this is an area that affects the downforce of the car (as stated in the article), it is a performance issue. WHY BOTHER to have tolerances if they are going to be selective in enforcing their own rules? Wasn't it Kyle Petty that said they penalize the small teams to send messages to the bigger teams to stop doing whatever it is they are also doing?

Yes, a smaller team would have probably been penalized for the same infraction.

Time to keep in mind that nascar is not neccessarily a fair sport, it is a family business.
6/1000 of an inch......gimme a break....
They sure didn't give Carl a break. Selective big team, little guy.
Yep, Carl Long. Now relegated to spotting for the #34 over a few "thousandths".
Depending on the kind of work being done, .006 can be a mile. Try machining/grinding parts with a tolerance of +/- .0002".
The car was legal through inspection. How was he cheating?? NASCAR warned them, because they were getting to that edge, and they wanted them to know that they are not allowed to go over. Not a big deal people, both cars were legal and have been all season they have been running these two specific cars. There was no reason to assess a penalty.
"The car was legal through inspection."

The reason NASCAR sends cars to the R&D center is that their measuring devices are more precise than at the track. My bet is after this, NASCAR will be scrutinizing their means and methods at the track to bring them even tighter. In particular, this measurement.
Robby was penalized for the rear-end housing even though he passed at-track post race inspection. They did the measuerments at the R&D center that he was busted for. Now I'm not saying Robby didn't deserve the penalty, but it does show that penalties do not have to be assesesed only bas on the at-track inspection.


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