Fatboy calls into "Tradin' Paint" most Thursdays to update the Sirius listenters as to what the buzz is at the race track. Today, he announced he's no longer with RGM. He said its due to "sponsorship problems" at RGM - anyone know anything else?

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Nick was by far the best spotter RG has ever had.
ooohhhh ... that's cold...... but you forgot '"Rain coming, pit next time by"....
good one
Yes Nick was the best
Does anyone know who he's with now?
Penske stole him to spot for Hornish.
Thanks, not much is ever mentioned about spotters. Nick was clear and concise.
Except at Fontana in the Labor Day weekend race. He didn't mention the #07 of Clint Bowyer getting a run off Turn 4 on the high side of Robby. Robby ripped him a new one over the radio for that too.
Why do so many of you get so much satisfaction out of making fun of some guy who was just doing a job to the best of his ability? The tone of this site is getting really mean. Is it necessary? Wow.
Just making fun at what he SAYS , not at the man himself.
I wish FATBOY the best personaly..........
.....BUT as a fan he is not on my team so lets rip him!


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