If NASCAR reduces the purse by 10% for the race, will it be 10% across the board or will they leave the top 25-30 about the same and make the reduction to the bottom group of drivers?  This would be a crafty way to eliminate the start and park teams.   

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Whatever they do, you can be sure the so-called 'Mega Teams' WON'T bear the brunt.
purses have pretty much grown every year since I can remember,so it was sure to happen.
I can understand cutting it on the Cup level, but the Nationwide and Truck level already have pretty small purses. Especially Truck. Those series are really going to be taking a hit.
You can guarantee one thing, the ticket prices won't drop.

As if these communist bastards aren't making enough cabbage as it is.
Perfect timing Na$car!
same for me at the MI race.....funny
Just saw a JGR special on SPEED last week end and to license all of the people that have to get access to the track JGR said it will cost over $450,000 this year. Why doesn't NA$CAR cut some of the costs that are team related. Now they have cut the purse they should cut some of the fixed costs the teams have to pay.

Does this sound familiar............that is why the seats are empty.
I am pretty sure I saw the same show....the equipment that JGR has to build parts and pieces is incredible...the pit crew always training....no wonder they are so fast week after week.
seats are empty cause alot of people are on really tight budgets with their money and nascar isn't part of their budget anymore they trimmed the fat.....times get better the seats fill back up!


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