just getting the jump on everything, but this will be a work in progress, no doubt. Structure of the site will evolve every hour. Stay tuned !

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We're hanging. Looking promising so far...
gotta get rid of these stupid ads.
Anything I can do to help, just hollar.
I guess RG pulled the plug. But one of RGM's engineers just registered here, Brian Watson. He is a class act.
Hey TOG, looks good. Nice setup.

Let me know if you need help with anything.
Thanks TOG!

I was a major contributer to RuR , so this was a no brainer. I need everybody to contribute as well. The ads will be removed and the direct link to the site will be up and running in a few days. The site will be accessable through planetrobby.com, without the damn ning.com in the name.
Hey, TOG! Thanks for the invite! I was kind of devastated when the Uprising disappeared because I had friends I didn't know how to contact anymore (my bad, of course). I will get a profile picture to get rid of the 'grey man' but the pic I need is not on this computer. I will be back to fine-tune my page and get back into the swing of all things Robby! What a sweetie you are, TOG!
site looks great keep up the good work TOG and gas on Robby!!!

I wonder if all the negative talk on the uprising was getting Rob steamed and that is why he pulled the plug. It seemed to me every time I went on the uprising there was a lot of crap just wanted to hear the good stuff...
Will ya'll be my friend? I can make Kool aid.
TOG..... first let me thank you for the invite. I was flabergasted to find the RuR site gone! Good luck on this site and keep up the excellent work... Gas On!
Thanks TOG I really missed the Uprising.. I need to get a new Bumper sticker now. I'm glad to see all my old friends
Thanks again


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