Join in tonight as Robby attempts to charge to the front from his 36th starting position.

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that hot chick in the peanut commercial is saving herself for kyle bush
And you know she is hot in real life. lol.
i could not tell the difference between her and robbys car last week
Are they set up for when the sun goes down
Now he's asking Waler what has happen to his car.... that's easy... STFU and drive!
See...Rusty said everyone's loose. Can't Walter tell Robby that everyone's loose right now?
Nice i'm thinking the same thing. They are slidways.
need to go back to the original setup!!!!
Robby> Walter I don't understand what happened to us...........................................You didn't listen to your CC once again
I'm sorry to say this....It hurts me to say it actually.....Kyle Petty is ahead of us :(
well i'm not going to quit drinking Jim
me either....amen robbie


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