I put together a quick graph that shows how the cars between 26th and 37th in points have been accumulating points over the last 5 races.  Some interesting trends when you see it as a picture.  Too bad the 78 is pulling away...



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Wow what a nice presentation. Thank you for the hard work that went into preparing this colorful graph.
Too bad momentum from Sonoma and Daytona has not carried over the last three races. Hopfully WG and a new crew chief (again) will make a difference. I hear Brian Pattie will be available soon. Then again, Robby doesn't want 4 tires either.
Miles Stanley is still with the team.RGM has a crew chief.
I hope Miles studied all the notes from the past RG races and watched the videos of the races, so he knows where the pit calls need to be and the most likely points in the race where cautions will occur. He also needs to work with the pit crew so that they are used to the clockwise pits at WG.
Miles Stanley also appears to be 15 years old...
If I could, then RGM would already have a full-time sponsor - ME!
What does the graph look like if you start it at 0 and plot points gained? I think the #7 would be closer to the bottom based on just points accumulated over those races.


You're right. Only the 38 and 26 have accumulated fewer points since NH. Its really pretty tight. For example, the 47 has 2 more points during that stretch. The 78 has 37 more points during that stretch.


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