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This is why driving off road takes balls. Trusting your self to drive 100 mph by fans who run out on the coures and stand on the out side of sharp corners. No one was in the wronge here it was just a tragedy.
I was there and witnessed the whole thing happen, and the driver of the truck is a friend of mine. There was nothing he could have done to control the outcome. Spectators were WAY too close to the race course, and not the required distance of 125' like the signs posted insisted. If they were, the story would have a different ending.
Get the world out on Fast-Aid will be a help.

This group is headed by some really great guys. My son is good friends with them and will be helping them in at the Vegas to Reno race this weekend.

If I were king of the universe, I would:
Have a 7 car sporting the Fast-Aid theme next race
Have each of the cars next Nascar race sport a Fast-Aid sticker
Have the broadcasters bring up how fans can help the families effected throughout the race.
Millions of racing fans out there can and will freely help.

I'm not the king of the universe, but maybe someone up the food chain from me might read this here and relay it up the chain.
Contact and see if they have anything they need. They are leading up the cause.
Brett Sloppy , the driver, is a Robby Gordon fan ( of course you probably knew that ) . I agree Ryan. Way too close to the course.
A friend of mine's kids were there with Danica (the girl who died) and Cheyenne her sister. They also say there was nothing the driver did wrong, it was an accident. I'm sure lawsuits will be flying soon though. It's just a very sad situation for all. I hope your friend finds peace in knowing it was an accident and none of us blame him.
As I go out to Primm next week I'll be more carefel when picking my viewing spot to be sure.
this is te biggest reason our team has standing orders to go slow at places that spectaters stand close to racetracks
(i have even stopped and pulled one fool who was takingpictures from behind a large bush in middle of track thinking the racers would avoid the bush so he would be safe... next truck through ran over the bush and just removed it five minuits later!!!) SOME PEOPLE NEED TO THINK AND WATCH OUT FOR THEMSELVES !!!!! THIS IS NOT THE SAINTIONG BODIED RESPONCIBUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry everyone for the spelling of my previous post (just outta hospital and still under heavy drugs) I have raced in SCORE, SNORE .FUDPUCKERS, HDRA VORRA and SCTA and BNI also USFRA all of the latter we have club members who enforce the distance between the racecourse and the fans maybe the assoations need to do this for the races in calif.
This is truly amazing!

Just got word that Mango Racing will be donating $50,000 to FAST Aid for the California 200 fund.

This is how the off-road family stands behind each other. I hope more generosity like this will follow as we will need it.
Todd, we have received numerous sizable donations from several race-teams. I am working on pulling all the donation info right now so we can recognize them and say thanks.

We are literally looking over HUNDREDS of donations from the last two days.

I am also working on getting an interview with some of the local news stations to show the positive side of the tragedy in how awesome the response has been from the off-road family.

I know there are a few TV spots scheduled for San Diego, LA, and Las Vegas as well during which fast-aid should be well represented in hopes that the general public will see how incredible the desert community is.
Hi everybody - It's been a while since I've been active on this board. The reason is I have been busy over the last year starting Fast-Aid which is the banner you'll see on the front page.

I just wanted to say thank you so much to planetrobby for running the ad to spread the word about raising funds to help the families of the casualites and to help the injured.

You can click the link on the front page to get to

As of right now, we have raised over $90,000 just since yesterday morning. It really is amazing.

And the one of the coolest things is Robby will be playing his own unique role in helping this cause and for that I say thanks as well.
TOG - Thank you again for placing the FAST-Aid logo front and center. Funny, Jarred and I are both board members for FAST-Aid and I had no idea he was a planeteer....but then again not sure why I was surprised. Everyone loves Robby Gordon. Kim


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