Like most of you, I hate to see the way the things have been going lately. I see the same thing weekly, decent in practice, struggle in qualifying, decent in Happy Hour, start decent in first few laps, then "Loose"...from there on it's downhill.

Listening to the scanner, Walter & Robby seem to communicate well. Walter seems to know what the car needs based on the feedback given.

However, if you listen to other drivers on the scanner and even Larry McReynolds, Tim Brewer and others, Robby is NOT the only driver struggling with the COT. Kurt Busch, Elliott Sadler and others have struggled just as bad. The biggest difference is the racing luck. Robby got the car dialed in okay last week at Bristol, but got caught in somebodys's Bristol. Fuel mileage has created alot of Robby's problems, he seems to have to pit a lap or 2 sooner than most and a caution comes out, or like last night he needs a caution and it doesn't come out until the leader gets by him.

It's not just one thing! It's racing luck, figuring out the COT, Dodge is way behind this year, bad fuel mileage, new crew chief, etc. It's a recipe that equals these results. One bright spot is plate racing: a 6th, 8th and 11th and plate tracks. Talladega is coming up soon!

I know several have posted let's send an email to a potentila sponsor, or a thank you to sponsors who have joined Robby this season. WHAT ABOUT SENDING AN EMAIL TO RGM, TO ROBBY...AS HIS FANS (THE BEST OUT THERE!) WE ARE BEHIND YOU AND WE SUPPORT YOU! Get some positive energy flowing through the shop. Robby needs us now more than ever. It's easy to jump onboard when everything is going well, but real fans show their support in the darkest hours.

I know, as a Alabama Crimson Tide fan. We have had years of coaches, embarassing losses and controversy, but it made it all so much sweeter on Saturday when we rolled #9 Clemson and held two All-American running backs to 20 rushing yards! We finally were able to stand tall and yell "Roll Tide Roll!"

Robby will bounce back and it will be great to see him back in victory lane!

ROBBY GORDON FANS STAND TALL AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! Buy Monster products like crazy! Drink Jim Beam! and shop at Menards! but most of all let RGM know...We're Here to Stay!

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Amen, Sheila, Amen!!!!! Thanks for saying what I feel as well!!!!! God speed, Robby, God speed!!!!!

...I've been behind Robby for 10 years and will be for the next 10 years.....

Those numbers at the top are the results of the last 15 races...............

I'm not going to sit here and claim to know anything more than the rest of you, nor am I going to sit here and try and diagnose what is wrong (I could offer my opinion...but I can see if I do and it's different than some.....I'll be labled an asshole..which I am....but I don't need some bulletin board bully telling me that).........

Crunch time for the #7 team...I'll leave it at that.......
Tim, I'm not certain that you are, or aren't talkin about me (bulliten board bully). It's not being opinoinated I have a problem with. Hell I'm prolly one of the most opinionated people on here. What I have a problem with is people stating their opinions as fact, & worse yet sometimes outright lying.
Some of us on here know a lot about racing,& have decades of experience in motorsports.
Some of us know a hell of a lot about whats going on inside RGM.
Some of us on here are new to the sport,& only know what info is provided by us,& the media.
Heres the thing, those people who don't know are influenced by those who do. Wouldn't it be better if they get educated by fact, instead of fiction?
whatever wilks, just gimmie your lunch money,& shut up.

I didn't have any particular person in mind........My comments come from reading different post's under different topics...I know your opionated and to be honest..I agree with your opinion more times than not. I also have seen you step on people who are being pretty damn negative, which is your right, it is also the right of people to be upset and explain what their view is, weather it's right wrong, based upon fact or speculation......Sometimes I think your tact takes away from your credibilty, once again, you are the boss of how you want to handle things..........

I really just want everybody to be able to say what they want, right , wrong or absurd without having to go through all the chest pumping that comes after it......and I don't know if that comment applies to you or not...i'll let you decide if it does...I read all the posts, laugh at some, agree with some, disagree with some and just don't understand some.......

On this website...I don't assume anybody knows more than anybody else...I take what everybody says and I form my own conclusion....

One thing I do know...we are ALL abunch of die hards and I think a streak of good finishes will cure a bunch..........
Puppies and Roses...right TOG?
The puprising? lol
Awesome! :)
I drink like 5 High-Beams per race. It is Robbys favorite drink, Monster and Jim Beam mix you all sould be slamming High-Beam.
I wish I could send this page to Robby so he could read it. We all get so upset when he has a bad day, but we stick by him because we care!! I wish I could bring him better luck, and take that little black cloud that's been following him and blow it to kingdom come. Here's hoping the Jim Beam Operation Homefront car has better luck this weekend. Joan
Now, Robby needs our support more than ever. Time to get behind Robby and RGM. RALLY FOR ROBBY, TO HELL WITH EVERNHAM!
I am just keeping this forum alive it should stay on page 1.


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