Just read this on jayski's website...


Robby Gordon has personal vehicle towed: Robby Gordon said track officials had his pickup towed out of a private driver/owner lot at
Talladega apparently over a sponsorship issue. "It's gone," Gordon said.
"I guess it's at some impound yard somewhere. But it's my personal
truck." This weekend, Gordon unveiled his own brand of energy drink,
Speed Energy, and the company's logo was on the side of his truck and on
his race car. Sunday's race at Talladega is sponsored by a rival energy
drink, Amp Energy. "I can appreciate Amp Energy sponsoring the race,
but they don't sponsor me," Gordon said. Gordon said other drivers have
personal vehicles that feature logos of sponsors that are competitors
with official NASCAR or track sponsors. "I just talked to a couple other
drivers," Gordon said. "They're Coke (sponsored) drivers, and they're
like, 'Well, can we not have Coke on our golf carts or not have Coke on
our cars?' This one's a confusing situation for me."

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it wasn't for publicity, trust me
I'm not with RGM. RG told me that he doesn't know exactly who towed the truck, but let's face it: it could only have been the track, unless it was parked illegally, and it wasn't, or RGM doing it for publicity, which I doubt because RG sounded genuinely annoyed about it. So, either Talladega officials had it towed on their own, at the behest of NASCAR, or by request of AMP.

I also was told that cans of Speed were being passed out in the media center Friday, but then were mysteriously packed back up. I think you can assume that AMP wasn't happy that RG picked this weekend to announce his new venture.

Remember the Motorola debacle? Sprint would have been better served to have left that alone as well.
We could work up a cool blues about it.... 'my truck got towed today babeeeee'....
'by some redneck sumbitch'....
' thought he was helping Junior'...
'when he put it on the hitch'.....
Has a nice ring to it.
go to nascar.com live leader board and see all the nos energy drink spots
It is good that they gave it back.
I caught a glimpse of it getting towed yesterday. Great publicity! I saw cans of Speed Energy all over the garage, including in the hands of crew members sponsored by other beverages. I should have taken pictures every time I saw one. I did get a quick shot of the truck getting towed but I see there is already a much better one!
If they towed my horse we would have a shoot out
Lame. NASCAR Upper class showing their true colors. BS-

Is the pic of Robby's truck on the wrecker somewhere here on the Planet? I'd like to see it. I tried to follow the link earlier in the thread but it did not work for me. Please post the pic if it is not already on the planet somewhere. Thx
When hearing it,smelt a PR stunt.Oh well did recieve attention.Hope all works out with the energy drink,its a flooded market out there


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