Just wondering since both Robby and Kevin say they will be at Homestead, is it definite that both the 7 and 07 will be there? If so, will they run the whole race?

By the way, I have a very important message in the non-racing discussion page. Everyone please go to that section and read my post regarding Bi-Lo.

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No need for RGM to race Kevin with the current plan.Kevin may be the shake down driver for Homestead,Robby's race'n.
Just remember a little thing like DAKAR is ahead.The shop has been busy ( I understand, ask TOG ) preping equipment to ship.I'd guess no extra man power to prep a second car for Homestead and the bigger question is why run 2 cars? I can't think of a good reason to do it.
There is only one reason to run a second car and that is to keep one of the Top 35 wannabe's from making the field at Homestead or Phoenix. My guess is that RGM feels they have a lock on the Top 35 for this year.
Kevin = $ He is always way off the speeds and really had no business out there--For some reason he has Extenze ? They want him to be rookie of the year ( in a one man Race) After they got run from F-row they kept paying Robby for a start & park. Kevin cant carry Robbys gear bag
It looks as if Front Row Motorsports will only run two cars next year.

To bad when the P,O,S was mentioning the teams around them in the hunt he never mentioned Robby or RGM.
i think they should make a natiowide team for conway just my opion
Kevins sponsors dictate when & where he runs.
His sponsor is the $ who knows why they want him but, If it is not obvious KC is not the next Robby , he has not done anything and if he did not have $$EXTENZE$$$ and Robby did not need $$$$$$ at the time he would not have been here-------and im sure he wont be around next year at all in Cup-- It is not like anyone else is after him-- Cup are the best drivers in the world KC is not in their league
If ExtenZe sticks with him, he'll have a ride somewhere. Read Kevin's point of view: Conway interview
Read it -Thank You - Its nothing personal he needs ARCA or Trucks He is not qualified to be here and in this economy & racing in general you can buy a ride $$$$ Kevin Conway is the MILKA DUNA of Nascar
Milka Duno no IndyCar license next year.


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