Ok, so he's not really the oldest. Actually I couldn't think of a better title to send thanks out to WJM on his birthday. Happy 74th, you dont look a day over 60! Thanks for all you do around here to keep the planet on axis, WJM. Raise your SPEED GT's & wish him many more!

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he told me he was 90? wow...

Hell, the told me he was turning 35? Haha

Happy Birthday!  Take it easy on those Speed GTs!

Bigzoom told me today, he is "hearing" AARP has stepped up to sponsor WJM in the Rascal Off Road Series. "Hearing" The Rascal is being built @ RGM & looks like 1/2 a Honda Odessy cage, with a craftmatic adjustable racing seat. McDonald's Senior Coffee is said to be one of the associate sponsors...

Thanks, Mike. I don't feel a day over 80.

I like your tags, LOL. Add cantankerous, a-hole, curmudgeon, feeble...

Happy Birthday, Mr. WJM.

Happy Birthday Dude!

From one racer to another, Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Hotrod, Time to Ride the Bike, even if it is Snowing!!!!

Cheers WJM, all the best!

Happy birthday!  Hope your wife is taking you to the Buckhorn Exchange for some Elk Medallions or Rocky Mountain Oysters!  Do they have a senior menu?  Don't forget to take your teeth!

Happy Birthday! I'm not going to take a cheapshot and make an old age joke here because you would need to get your reading glasses from the other room to see it.


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