When I was at Whidbey the Steak House in downtown Oak Harbor had quarter beer night every Wednesday. $0.25 for a 8 oz. plastic cup. Always packed. Does that place still exist?
So as I zip down to Issaquah to have a slice of Costco pizza for lunch.I had a moment to give thought to Robby flying into Boeing Field.I thought who's a big enough player for the Robby to fly in, not phone? Any why fly into Boeing Field? Then I thought the answer couldn't be that obvious.And Robby would've had be drive by my work twice and didn't stop.
@Brian, as you look at that list it makes one wonder how we have 10% unemployment.Some pretty big players on that list.Look at the bottom of that list for the companies in Bellevue ( more conservative than liberal Seattle) The company I work for is a top 5 tax revenue generator in Bellevue.
I don't patronize Starbucks, do they offer a cold "Energy drink"?
I realized today that I don't think big enough compared to Robby.