And people complain about "cheaters" now. Just hackers will have a new area to work in. What ever happened to NA$CARS "keep the costs down" ?

What next ? one lug wheels, paddle shifters on the steering wheel. You will find me at the local dirt track, this stuff is gitting ridiculous.

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Shane..........this post was ment to show that the intorduction of FI into NA$CAR was and is about control. They want ultamate control of every aspect of the sport. What advantage will FI be in NA$CAR for the teams ? Nothing, but more control of fuel usage the power will be close to the same.

In a time when $$ are important to run a team we have the powers to be saying one thing "control spending" but now I want you to develop a new fuel management system. This will cost lotsof money to develop and you know the engninners will try to go beyond to seek control of it......... this all under R & D. I am sure the engine guys are licking there chops...just one more back door to open to get into the gray area.

My opinion is NA$CAR went "green" because they got a corporate tax break. You know they won't share it with the teams. The whole France family deal is about $$$. It's turned into a SHOW instead of RACING. For all of us old timmers and hard core racers this smells of nothing but CONTROL for the benefit of NA$CAR.

NA$CAR will ruin the sport before they share any of the current financial pain.

Smokey was right......................
You and I see things differently, obviously. As one who has been one of those engine guys on race teams, I would see it as an opportunity to do what I do.......tune engines in a granular fashion as opposed to tuning an engine using the sledge hammer approach.

The drivers will see a few big benefits........ fuel mileage WILL go up and the cars will be easier to drive. This is going to be big on the road courses.
@ Shane I get that you are an engine guy and this is an opportunity for you to show your skills, but in the big picture it's about more control from NA$CAR..........that's all I am saying. Spend more money for less than a 1% benifit with thousands in expence under "we got to keep up with the jones's'.

This senerio sounds like our current financial delima with this country...........spend it or we will go under. Where's the benifit or should I say who does it benifit most ?

All I can say is NA$CAR better figure out how to make racing exciting again. Saturday's race was boring, ya KB had a fast car but how many guys challanged him the 14,00 & 48 wow that was exciting.

Remember..........if you can't pass it's a PARADE.
Let me add that building an efi system isn't that hard. There are thousands of sw control people with no motorsports experience who could do it. What's more difficult is designing a user interface that the average Joe can understand. The one I designed, someone later took that framework and wrapped it in a nice GUI that translated and deposited data the user input into my EFI module that ran the injector drivers and then communicated back output data. My system was fine for me. I understand it and could pull up a table and modify it at will. But without that GUI, Sherri(for example) whouldn't be able to open and click and modify it because she just wouldn't know the table structure.
@ Mike the picture you seek doesn't exisit nor does this micro chip..........:-) how big do you think the sensor should be to seek inerita data. Some of this "black" art isn't available to most. My friend just happened to share this with me in a weak moment he had when I ask about NA$CAR going into FI.

Me I am just an avarage guy that knows enough to get into trouble....all this techno stuff I leave with guys like my friend Terry. Interesting guy with many behind the seen stories with major players in the automotive business.

1. they went FI because of pressure from the manufacturers
2. yes, the want as much control as the can get. All you have to do is look at CART to understand why.
3. yes, they want more money. Any corporation regardless how liberal or conservative wants more money. And, every company will do what has to be done to help the bottom line. THATS A BUSINESS FACT!!!
4. They went Green for many reason. Tax breaks??? Most likely yes. Pressure from the Left? YES. The Left wants all racing shut down, what better way to shut the Left up but by using one of their terms... "GOING GREEN!!!"
5. They have so many ways to cheat with the current carbs, do you really think FI will be any different? And, who knows, maybe they may have some sort of way to plug a wire in to see if a Chad Knaus is cheating.

Come on Ted........... you know that the sky's falling, don't you?!?!?!
So are you saying that only politically right wing folks are race fans? That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with there.
hahaha. Im not sure where you got that from. But its a pretty well known fact that the progresive liberals do not like anything related to poluting the environment.
I got it from your post:

...Pressure from the Left? YES. The Left wants all racing shut down,...

Really though, let's keep politics out of it. It gets nasty enough around here without those arguments too.
Tit for tat, you commented on it and Im going to reply.

"But its a pretty well known fact that the progresive liberals do not like anything related to poluting the environment."

I stand by my statement. I still do not see where I said onlythe far right likes racing.
The part where you say the left wants all racing shut down, you know, the part I clipped and quoted. It's pretty clear, if "the left" wants all racing shut down, then it must only be the right who likes racing.

Don't be dense.


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