I've never tried SPEED, because I've never seen it on a shelf here in Indianapolis (I know--let me have it!)... Well, I just called the Menard's store in Avon, IN (just west of Indy, the store closest to Speedway) and they do have it... but there's a catch and I want to know if you guys can help fill me in on this...

I talket to a nice person, Ashley, in Groceries and she told me they had all three flavors (about 60 4-packs of Unleaded, 20 of Octane, and 50 of Fuel, IIRC) and that they were on sale for $4.49 (!) a four-pack. She told me they were "red-tagged" which she believed meant they weren't getting any more in once this sold out. I askedd her to check on that so when I come in to get some maybe she could give me more info.

Three things:

1. If you're in central Indiana and you're a RG fan, PLEASE call your Menard's and GNC and ask about SPEED Energy--then go buy some! We can't call ourselves fans and let big distribution opportunities like these slip away.

2. Does anybody know anything more specific about all this? I basically told Ashley "don't let that happen!" so let's help her out ;)

3. Brickyard weekend is nearly upon us... Any news about new distributors, handouts to generate "buzz", etc?

If this is old news, forgive me, and links will do. This all happened in the last 10 minutes and I wanted to put the word out before I go digging for more info.

Todd Bettenhausen
Indianapolis, IN

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NIKAL, John has put about 12 aisles of Grocery in the new stores. Just to clarify, it's not between the drywall & shingles. Kinda smart idea as contractors can grab stuff for the lunch cooler w/o an extra stop. The reason for the seasonal item coding is prolly because THOSE cans weren't going to be permanant when they were stocked.
Just a thought on the 'seasonal item' status, maybe contractually with other vendors Menards can bring in 'season items' with out violating said contract.
Thats true too, but I KNOW John doesn't like to put all his eggs in any particular basket...other than his own. He's a lot like RG in certain respects, Menards makes a lot of their own items at mills around the midwest. Screws, nails, doors, wood trim...etc. Our Joliet Menards was one of the OG stores out here, & MGR is very good friends w/John. I worked there for maybe a year in my late teens & met John 3-4x. He's about as hands on as it gets...so I'm somewhat familiar. Perhaps it was some of these Legalese about the old logo, & coding it as seasonal shows it was stocked as temporary or a closeout special...a loophole to sell off a million bad logos.
SIDENOTE: the new 3rd world Menards in Haiti will carry the old "S"shirts alongside the 2011 NBA Champion Heat shirts...OK that last part was sarcasm
Thanks Mike for the sarcasm alert.I got it this time,before the alert.LOL
Anyone else notice Menards is hard to find on Robby Gordon's Cars??? I remember he use to have A LOT of Menards Sponsorship on his car, Maybe this is part of the reason? Menards Relationship gone sour?
Think, why did Menards have Speed Energy first?
That was then, Look at now, Lack of Decals....


Point proven, Robby is no longer on the team?
They do have some stuff about Harvick though.
I believe you are looking to deep into the RGM /Menards relationship. Robby has had a very long standing friendship with John Menard that goes way back to the Indy car days. RG's first attempt at NASCAR ownership was the #13 team. John was a part owner of that team too.

My guess is the reason the Menards decal has been smaller or not present at some tracks is RGM's and Menards long term primary sponsorship contract is over. When RG started the #7 team, John stepped up and gave RGM a multi year commitment which I'm sure went much deeper then we all know. Then the last few years Menard's has scaled back there involvement with the #7 team as we see it. Who knows what arrangement Robby might still have with John regarding the team or drink companies. Lets not forget John is spending allot of sponsorship dollars on Paul's Cup and limited NW races. You dont see many companies that sponsor two different teams.

BTW you did not see Menards on the #7 allot last year, yet Menard's stores were the first to carry the Speed drink. My guess is RG's and JM's relationship is just fine.
Menards decals have been on Robby's cars at a few different tracks this season already. Obviously Menards' sponsorship strategies have changed this year as they have decals on ALL of RCR's cars and haulers as well. Plus, they have a deal with KHI in the Nationwide Series. Robby/Speed still have a relationship with Menards - it's just a little different than last year I would assume. As far as I know, Menards have been backing Robby in some capacity since 1999 (with the exception of 2001) - So, kudos to John Menard for his long time support.

All I am going to say is, RGM & Menards are fine. Menards decals were on the car at Michigan.

This was only a month ago at Michigan.


and you will see menards at future races too.

I can see not having Menards on the car in New Hampshire. Not a Menards store in sight. Where would the closet Menards be to New England? Michigan, Ohio????


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