Robby claims he's been defrauded in a failed deal with Gillett Evernham Motorsports

NASCAR star Robby Gordon claims he's been defrauded in a failed deal with Gillett Evernham Motorsports and wants a judge to excuse a million dollar bill.

Gordon's company made a deal to merge with Gillett Evernham Motorsports (a huge race team owner). According to legal documents, an investment company was hired to make the deal. But Gordon claims the deal went south because it was "fraudulently induced." As a result, Gordon and Co. want the judge to excuse an obligation to pay a $1,013,656 investment fee.

Click the picture at TMZ to view the docs.

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Stick it to 'em Robby! And it was filed in LA....... clearly not Nascar country.
Running 35th every week and constant changes isn't really smelling like a rose.
Never a dull moment with Robby. I wonder what his company Speed Racer does? IMO, this is the first round in the suit to get out of paying a million bucks and he is asking for court costs in relation to the suit.
SR Machining - Machine shop in Norco, CA
I agree he should have kept the lawsuit going, but I think he just wanted out. His request in this lawsuit is reasonable, I was surprised they didin't ask for atty fees as well, but it just says for costs of the suit and other such relief as the court deems just and proper. I am not familiar with this lawfirm in CA, don't know how good their staff is. Hope the judge sees fit to give RGM all it is asking and more. Joan
I think the same way, seems like he wanted it done with, and wanted to move on. Still might be positioning themselves better this way, the court is in California, not North Carolina or Canada.....
I'm thinking that since Team Gordon Inc is a California company and this guy Doherty is in CA, the deal was done in CA so that's where the lawsuit needs to be done?
what a soap opera now TMZ is covering it how could this get worse.oh robbys involved it could get worse
Robby better start keeping the shades closed. Notice they dig up a nice pic too.
If Ray Evernham was involved in even the tiniest way, I'm sure there was fraud a-plenty involved.
I totally agree with you there. The man is slime. I completely lost any respect I had for Sadler when he joined that organization and pure dread flooded over me when I heard RG was getting involved with him. I said from the start is was a bad idea but eveyone seemed to think the GEM was going to be a savior for RGM.
Robby realliy needs to get out of the team ownership in NASCAR. How many failed "deals" can one person have?


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