Looks as Danica be attempting the Daytona 500 in 2012. What number will she use? If RGM is not in the top 35 with the #7, would the number be on the market? If so what could be the asking price for the limited cup races she's planning.

Maybe a partnership/support deal to use the same cars as Tony, Ryan and Danica in 2012. There would be room for a fourth team under a SHR? Or a deal just like the 78 and RCR. Work smarter, not harder.

Keep selling Speed Energy! Gas On RGM.

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I'm sorry I won't do anything like that again I just...........wait a sec one of my dogs just came up with a great idea here you go girl type slow now...........Make a deal for the 77, her and JR can roll around in the fact they both have double the fun with their numbers, and being a dog I can't talk but watching what's happening I guess you all should feel like this.

THE # 7 IS NOT GOING ANYWERE. As long as Robby wants to do this nascar shit !
Michael, in all sincerity, it's good to know WJM, Slider & I can all take vacations liberally, & leave the sarcasm in your capable hands...& your dogs paws

& now my dog is pissed, cuz I dont let him use the internet since I caught him droolin on the keyboard over some bitch...
Hendrick already showed that he would not pay the big bucks for a number. Yates may have got a little $$$ for the 88, but Hendrick would not pay Teresa Earnhardt what she wanted to get the 8.
Selling or taking an incentive to give up the 7 isn't going to be anything significant. Therefore, we should assume that she will run a number other than 7.
Here's food for thought. IF RGM were to sell the rights to the 7 to HMS/JRM, why would it be for straight cash? Doesnt Rick Hendrick posses something far more valuable to RGM? I'm not talkin about Knaus either, lol
Doesnt Rob still own a few Chevrolet powered vehicles? Hasn't HMS had the most consistantly outperforming hp in the sport for the last.....who knows how long? Dont know about you guys, but I'd take 7th best from them, over in-house Dodges w/o battin an eyelash. Plus (IMO) if RGM got HMS HP for a year, the accumulated purses could keep that HP under the hoods...& keep RGM in the game for as long as RG wants. Thats more RG style (again IMO) than straight cash.
There may be a 'bigger picture' conflict with that food thought.

I wouldn't be opposed to cash + one year Danica / SPEED promo deal.
I got a magnetic 7 sticker I'll sell her if she wants it so bad.
I have dice that only roll 7s' I forgot all about them! @ M you mean you did not cover the keyboard? I never knew the amount of guilt you feel from beating a dead horse. Now I know.
End of the day, so what if he 'sells' the number to Danica? If revenue generated keeps people employed & lights on, then so be it.
As some have said it's just a number , after all business is business , if he can make money and be able to keep people employed , isn't that the bottom line ? We'll still know it's Robby no matter what number he uses.
Thank you TOG for putting it in simple terms. Keeping the lights on for your loyal employees. Every minute RGM is open and racing, is another minute to promote SPEED...



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