Has Chris come over to the Dark-Side...lol.If not then let's all be here to Bitch...Gripe ...Celebrate...(hopefully).Lokk forward to seeing alot of long lost...(well only for a week) friends.Cheers here's to a great race !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think I saw the porchlight flicker at Robbys Uprising. Get your bookmarks ready! It will comeback online with this great finish today.
Then what will happen to RobbyWorld???
Fuck RuR, This is better.

Robby is hauling ass out there just need some good luck and help to come our way and this could be the best RGM finish since Watkins Glen 05.
fuck rur they dumped us like a steamy turd.....no notification .....I say blow me ..don't love me when rg does good i've been a fan for a long time
We dont need the Uprising anymore
all right guys read my lips..hail mary full of grace....
Doesn't that only work if your Catholic?
works for everyone,get busy!!
Seriously.. it is good to laugh as a group again!!
This could still work out. If the guys in the front pit, they're going to the back. If they stay out, they've still got older tires.
The #7 looks good on TV.


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