Has Chris come over to the Dark-Side...lol.If not then let's all be here to Bitch...Gripe ...Celebrate...(hopefully).Lokk forward to seeing alot of long lost...(well only for a week) friends.Cheers here's to a great race !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Robby is really in a good mood, says where ever "they go"he'll gp somewhere else, what a surprise,lol
restarts suck ass. Need it to go green to get the top 10
Dig, Robby, dig, dig, dig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that 48 finally wrecked. Ha, got the 15. That's what he gets for dumping Robby!
No tears here on that one
He's been waiting all night to wreck, too.
yellows out
fuck #8....lol
Paul Menard really fucked Robby on that re-start.
yeah he dipped really low before the start line


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