Daymnnn, thats some good stuff.

Speed Energy you nailed it, the taste is great, not too bubbly, not too strong.
Just recieved my 2nd batch of 72 cans, and I'll be ordering more soon. Not counting the 50+ cans I got from Menards while on vacation 2 different tmes.

and NO, I dont drink them all myself. I give them away and sell them on the speed black market in my town and at the races we go to because its not in stock everywhere here.

Just trying to get the name out.

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I'm hoping SPEED will become more available out here in Phoenix, I would love to be able to buy it more often.
Superpumper on Shea and Tatum always has it.
I live in the West Valley though, Shea and Tatum is quite a drive for me.
I have been buying the Unleaded at the Lake Forest Chevon. They can't keep it in stock :). I buy six Fuel each time as well to keep it moving as well. Gas on!!!!!!

I guess we are fighting over the same inventory. I also get the Chevron next to Irvine Lake when I go fishing.
Oh so YOU'RE the one... haha

I hit up the 76 on La Paz/Cabot for them and they've got a good stock going all the time, and one of the can-looking coolers right by the register. Good stuff.
In fear of setting off a cascade of tongue lashings and starting a Planet riot...... here goes:
It would be cool to get the O'Reilly/Kragen/Checker Auto stores to carry/distribute RG's SPEED ENERGY. It must have been considered......any insight?

I think the RGM brand recognition would be good and there is room for a little cooler in every store. O'Reilly was on his quarter panel this year, right?

Maybe it is already happening....just not in store near me.
Maybe there is a conflict with "At O'Reilly Auto Parts, we know our customers love stock car racing, and that's why we're the Official Auto Parts Store of NASCAR."

(only the calm and sane need reply)
@Kurt, along the same thought line. Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealers.Perfect tie in with RGM.
good thinking......
Well I don't think this idea deserves a tongue-lashing. If anything, having an official NASCAR sponsor on the car means that Fox/ESPN won't ignore it anymore.

On that subject, if NASCAR is worried about sponsors leaving the sport, why don't they just require their broadcast partners to guarantee a minimum amount of airtime (perhaps 1 minute per race; 2 30-sec commercials' worth) to every car, regardless of position or amount of action in which they're involved, and then spend the remainder of the time focusing on the cars which have intriguing storylines, are in position races, etc.? That would certainly attract sponsors and help the small teams out without needing to make any competitive adjustments (i.e. Car of Tomorrow, etc.)
"...if NASCAR is worried about sponsors leaving the sport, why don't they just require their broadcast partners to guarantee a minimum amount of airtime (perhaps 1 minute per race; 2 30-sec commercials' worth) to every car..."
Race and Commercial Breakdown, Richmond (source)
Minutes of race broadcast: 172
Minutes of commercials: 49

Do the math.
Ok so maybe 30 seconds. I don't know, but there is certainly more that can be done to add value to a car sponsorship to team partners. And by the way, even with a minute per car plus commercials that leaves 80 minutes so maybe you should do some math. An hour and twenty minutes of non-commercial race coverage is quite a lot and is more than ample to cover all the respective position battles, Chase contenders/participants, etc.

Or here's an idea, come up with a helpful idea of your own and not just come on here and talk down to me when I'm being positive.

WJMUselessPost.(clearly doesn't have an)edu


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