solo espero que este año pase, la verdad es que ha sido uno de los años mas malos para RG.
Tal vez sea una oportunidad o no, pero deso que ya termine el presente.
El año que viene ojala que el negocio de SPEED energy este andando y al mismo tiempo le de el patrocinio, y se dedique a lo que el sabe hacer bien CORRER.
@ Eduardo, nosotros, como aficionados Robby Gorgon tienen algunas cosas que esperamos que esta temporada de carreras. Utah es el weekend.Then la Baja 1000. Todos los prepara para el Dakar a partir del nuevo año.
Watching Robby not run full races is very painful but, in the big picture it isn't all that bad. I know of people who are losing there homes and businesses in this economy. I focus on the fact that RGM hasn't quit, given up, or shut down. They keep on keepin on. One step at a time or maybe even a half step at a time but, they keep at it. I respect that and will continue to hope for better things to come for RGM and the economy. Cheers!
A friend of mine, on this site, told me that "there is a big picture to all of this J.R. and some of the people here don't always see it". I have not for gotten this and never will. I don't think Robby's getting worse. I think Robby's doing a Great Job for a lot of Great people he care's about. As far as us here at this site goes, well..... "We are just along for the Ride"...
Permalink Reply by WJM on September 26, 2011 at 2:12am
The start and park thing sucks but it was bound to happen eventually. Robby has run a lot of races over the past couple of years out of his own pocket and I can see where doing the S&P makes way more sense financially. Look at today's results: Robby runs 28 laps for $69,700. Landon Cassill completes 294 laps for $71,950. Of course if you have sponsorship the purse is 'bonus' money, but if you don't, well.....