Wow this would be an interesting story to hear all the details.

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Terranovly airing out all sorts of stuff via twitter.

Anyone translate this ?

I understood Orly Terranova, 6th of January 2012.

not great at spanish but Terranova is saying that the rumors of a fight or shouting match are false and that Andy did in fact leave due to personal reasons and that a press conference will be held to clarify the departure

Kinda goes against what the Team Manager said don't it!

This is not a literal translation, but the best that I can do here in a little bit more detail:
Introductory paragraph: After all the various media accounts that give various reasons for the withdrawal of AG from the 'Dakar ", which range from reasons of, personal, social, economic, I feel obliged to give the reasons for this action.

1) When AG communicated his reasons for withdrawal on the 5th of January, he indicated that he was doing so strictly for personal reasons. The rules do not allow me to obtain a substitute navigator, and therefore I cannot continue. The reasons are AG's, personally, and I must respect them.
2) Team officials (several named) announced the reasons, and when announced to the event organizers, it was confirmed that we could not continue.
3) many of the statements reported by the media have been incorrect. Lucas Cruz, my navigator for a rally run in preparation for the Dakar, can confirm that this decision was not made because of finances.Lucas can confirm that all contractual obligations were met on time and as per the arrangements. In the case of Lucas, I am happy that all documentation and correspondence can be exhibited.
4) It is not certain that there would be additional help with additional money for navigator AG. To the contrary, when we set up the team we had resolved to leave with Cruz, but Cruz finalized a deal with Nasser, and we then committed to transfer all necessary funds to AG for transport and logistics. Electronic funds transfers were set up and completed with all deliberate speed.
5) There does not exist a personal dispute as reported in many media outlets. Sometimes things are said that should not be, as this is a race and a great deal of adrenaline can get flowing before there is a chance to get a better final resolution.
6) No communications have been made from AG in which he gives the impression that he left the team for any reasons other than those he expressed, and we have no reason to believe otherwise.
7) We will announce to the press all details that the press consider necessary.
Conclusion) With this documentation and statements we hope all errors and false understandings have been clarified. Many of the personal attacks on me and my family because of this media dispute are the traditional and permanent reasons why we feel compelled to take this kind of action to clarify the matter.

Signed--Orrly Terranova 6 January

Translate please.

Paragraph 1 (some of this is google, some me)
Given the multiple erroneous and malicious events based on unnamed sources related to the abandonment of Andy, who are being used with a spirit of revenge and to produce personal injury, social and economic, I am compelled to make the following clarifications:

Para 2

As he said himself in his press release of January 5, its abandonment was strictly personal reasons. for regulatory reasons, I could not race without the co-pilot. The reasons are personal and andy so its not important to clarify anymore

Para 3

The alleged statements from Jan Marc Fortin, team member Krzysztof BMW and copilot were clearly disproved. Jean Marc Fortin told the official site Dakar 2012, "Grider has been treated disrespectfully" I confirmed that this was not true and in fact the alleged quote (nonexistent) was removed from the official website.

para 4
In some media, based on false information, he said that my relationship with Lucas Cruz, my navigator during the Rally of Morocco and the ppreparacion for the Dakar, had allegedly broken by economic debt to him. Such information is not true, in any way. Lucas agreed to collect everything in a timely manner according to the contractual terms of our relationship. In the Lucas case I will , gladly display the relevant documentation.

para 5 (This one I cant get)
It is true that any amount owed ​​money to the navigator Andy Grider. On the contrary, despite the haste with which the team had to disolve, who competes in the Dakar with Nasser, he was sent to Andy early transfer and assumed all its economic costs and logistics contractions for they are moved. A copy of the email exchanged the sailor in him appreciates the speed with which you sent the money.

Im done, bottom line is... home boyz a bee-yotch


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