1. "COT" - Love the safety & durability, I think Nascar did a great job of looking back a tragic accidents and applied some great features, but the COT is horrible. The wing & splitter needs to go!
Nascar can easily require a front nose distance from the ground that would give the same effect of a splitter. The wing needs to go and the spoiler needs to be reinstated, like the new Nationwide COT.
The Car needs to be redesigned to be able to turn better. It's horrible watching these cars "crabbing" down straightaways. The COT is a need, but Nascar needs to take input from every team and make a better product.

2. Tires - I have no problem with who Nascar mandates as the tires provider, however tires have been a huge issue for Nascar over the past few years. the race at Indy was unexcusable. Either mandate Goodyear to provide a better tire or open the door for other companies.

3. Sponsorship - The economy has been a big hurdle, but nobody steals more sponsorship away from teams than it's own sanctioning body and track owners. Nascar continues to take sponsors away from individual teams and allows companies to sponsor the whole series instead. Competing sponsors should be denied either. Nascar is driving companies away from the sport by allowing sponsors exculsive rights (Sprint, Sunnoco, etc.)

4. Qualifying format - Nascar needs to find a way to make sure every team had every opportunity availble to make the race. Tracks that have lights should be able to hold off cancelling qualifying, and tracks without lights should have the opportunity to run qualifying the next day (even if it's just the cars outside the Top 35) If qualifying is cancelled, the lineup should be a based on qualifying draw, not points.

5. Winner's purse - Nascar should make sure that the purse is rich enough to cover every team that qualifies' expenses for that week. Nascar has tons of sponsors and needs to increase money to the teams.

6. Support - Nascar needs to have a research center available to teams: wind tunnels, shaker rigs, etc. available to all teams instead of teams having to buy themselves. Sponsorship should be needed to improve performance and hire better personnel, not required to run the schedule. The purse for a Top 25 finish should be enough to carry a team week by week.

7. Rules - Nascar needs to take a long look at their rule book and put their rules into effect...period. They shouldn't have variables that can favor one driver over another. Nascar shouldn't make emotional decisions, instead make a decision based on the rule book that can be in black & white.

8. Tracks - Nascar needs to make racing entertaining. Add lights to Talladega & Martinsville. Add a road course to The Chase, and do away with all the "Cookie Cutter" tracks. Nascar's problem isn't tracks having 2 dates, it's the fact they have taken away tracks with personality and replaced them with "the same thing!" Nascar needs a better selection of tracks.

9. TV - Nascar needs to make all events (practice, qualifying & races) televised with Trackpass. It's crazy the scanner option isn't available during qualifying & practices. TV money should be applied to the purse and for support.

10. Roots - Nascar has spent years looking ahead, maybe it's time they stop and look back. Look at what grew the sport, what worked, and what made Nascar!

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I would add aligning themselves with ESPN and it's tabloid style of covering the sport. ESPN puts minimal effort into putting together quality coverage and tries everything they can to exploit Nascar to make money. Think about how many "stories" ESPN has put out there that are meaningless. Whether it be the "Carl Edwards argues with his crew chief" or "Ron Hornaday on steroids," or any of countless others, ESPN has been bad for the sport.
10-4 on the qualifying. That part of the weekend has always been exciting for me as a fan,and I always hope that "this will be the week" that RG qualifies good. Nothing like seeing a mid to back pack driver bust out a great qualifying lap.Rainouts suck and really set the tone for the race,especially when the cream of the crop gets to start at the front of the pack.
you better send this to nascar.
feel free to forward!
Nice job Big Zoom
I also wish more attention was given to those outside the "top 12"
Unless your in the chase, sponsors gets little if any coverage.
Soon we will have just 12 cars, why would you sponsor after that?
#1's design has caused issue #2. Its not a question of a better tire. Its a question of a tire with x amount of width and x tall sidewalls can all take x amount of lateral force. The COT needs wider tires to avoid the issues, something Nascar has not allowed Goodyear to do.

Tire competitions cause accidents. Tire manufactures are forced to make tires "faster" to keep up with one another. Competitors will always take a faster tire, and with that comes added safety issues. You cannot just say to yourself one day that you want to make a faster and SAFER tire, there are trade offs.

Look at the amount of accidents when Hoosier was in cup in 1994. Better yet, ask Niel Bonnett or Rodney Orr what they thought of their Hoosiers... RIP

As an ex race tire engineer for Goodyear, I agree they should take some of the blame. But not the crap that all these rednecks are trying to pin on them. Nascar needs to allow Goodyear more design freedom, and/or change the COT.
I agree with this list almost 100%. Especially with the sponsorship bit. I think it's BS that Alltel/Verizon, at&t, and whomever else may have wanted to can't sponsor teams anymore and Shell, Texaco, and Mobil all have to sponsor under their motor oil subsidiaries. It's eliminates competition and restricts teams' funding. I think it's unfair for NASCAR to take away money effectively from a team that would otherwise have it just because they want something to be "The Official __________ of NASCAR"

I think with the tires though, don't necessarily open it up to other manufacturers but dangle Bridgestone or Michelin in front of Goodyear as motivation to make better tires.
Good Responses.

I'm surprised more of you didn't support #7 "Rules" since our man Robby seems to ALWAYS get the shaft on their opinion.

Talladega was a perfect example, Smith was ruled below the yellow line...Junior was forced.
At Sonoma, Davey Allison was spun by Ricky Rudd and awarded the win. Robby gets dumped by Ambrose and was told to blend in at 13th and Ambrose was made out to look inoccent in any of his actions.
If Robby, Ernie Irvan or Jimmy Spencer bumped you it was considered "aggressive driving" when Dale Sr bumped you it was considered "Intimidation"
If a driver gives another driver the bird, it's considered "actions detremental to the sport" when Junior gives a driver the bird, it's considered a "salute the American way!"
Think Motorola and RG. Motorola is a telephone manufacturer and Nextel is a Carrier. Completely different. The best part is Motorola makes Nextel phones. I could go on for days. Screw Nascar.
I would only add one thing - GET RID OF THE GOD DAMNED CHASE!!!!!
only 10 things??
Love the no rain out of qualifying, and then a lotto draw for starting spots. this bullshit of a little rain and Jimmie gets the pole again crap sucks! As far as Tires go Goodyear gets one final year to do it right or send them packing! Kudo's to getting rid of some of these boring ass tracks! I have never been able to stay awake for an entire race at Fontana even when I have been in the stands that place sucks! Same for Kansas. Give Darlington it's southern 500 back! Make rule books available to fans so we don't all scratch our heads trying to figure out how many B.J.'s it cost the Hendrick and Roush teams to never get caught cheating! Etc.I could run with this for days!


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