What's this about more big news

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Walmart. Robby already said something about it. Jesse has a relationship with them. Robby and Jesse probably have some business deals working

Good ol' Bentonville.

Google works well

We all know Speed is in the Wal Marts in Mexico. Could this be an added relationship that will include Speed Energy drinks in Wal Mart domestically? If Robby already said something about it, what was said?

My local walmart has the red-bull every place, would be hard to beat that-$$$ me thinks..

two angles we need to start "dreaming about"....

SPEED is one, SST is the other

SST is/could be BIG BUSINESS all on it's own - completely w/o SPEED. I would wager RG wants Jessie to be in SST....big draw

Jessie who? I dony know who dat guy is??

Jessie James


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