What do you guys think about this? I'm all in.

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Justin probably only has a 'CUP' short track license ( member Martinsville that didn't happen this spring?) Justin is not a 'CUP' test driver for any of the big teams,so I doubt he has any miles in a 'CUP' car. Yes, I know he drove in ARCA.If 'CUP' was running the old car I'd say it would be a closer comparison,but with the CUP COT on bump stops and more horsepower and Goodyear radials it doesn't compare.
My post by NO means rip's on Justin.Justin is just untested at the CUP level.Given quality seat time and equipment,who know's his limit?

Justin will be up to "speed" by next season in a cup car probably. He is a young guy with talent and also a friend of Robby's.

As far as Reutimann goes, you are a fan of his and I am not. We just disagree.

Bruce, I'm not a fan of Reuti...just stating facts. I even gave a link to stats so you could see for yourself. Theres a lot of talent out there. I wouldn't mind seeing Matt Crafton come up either...same deal as Lofton tho...but with a few more yrs in trucks. On the other hand, Reuti, like the other "safe" guys RG has put in cars (Wimmer, B.Labonte, etc) wouldn't light a lot of tracks on fire, but he'd be consistant. Not to mention a contrast to RG, or KB who have more similiar "attack" driving styles. Now if were talking 2, 3 yrs down the road. Lofton would be a pick, & I want Dylan Kwasneiwski out of that C**kstar deal, & into an RGM/SPEED ride. I am a fan of his. That kid can straight wheel a car. If y'all don't know who he is, look him up.

I like the idea of Kurt in an orange car and if RG finds himself in position to field a 2 car team I believe he'd be a great choice. For all his faults Kurt can flat drive a car! he may be a real asshole but he knows how to win. Brian Vickers! is who I'd like to see in a second car he seems to have made the most out of the oppertunities he's had this year, and if this isn't all just a dream have Robby run the event's he enjoy's and with everything else our guy has on the burners he'd be on his way to building a motorsports empire.

Kurt is a very good driver. At some point I would think he will grow up and quit acting like an ass. His going after the media folks is a really bad idea. I would rather see him cuss out another driver every week. And then deal with what happens on the track or behind the haulers.

Thats it Wally, RIGHT THERE!!! You got the plan. Busch, Vickers and part time Robby. With Busch, RGM would have more than Waltrip had his first couple years.

Sorry Vlad I guess I should have written you heard it here second! LOL ....Just day dreamin" Factory backing and Busch would be a major coup for RGM with the right people in place running day to day and with the talent RGM already has in the shop and the level he must have conections to I agree he could be light years ahead of Mikey. Sure hope I'm wrong about Kurt I've alway's kind of liked the guy I really hope he get's it together

I like the Vickers idea too, but I seem to remember him being fairly anti-RG...He may be pro-job tho, lol. Actually Wally, I've met Kurt at least twice, & he was really sincerely cool both times. One of which was at a signing same time/place as RG. He asked if I wanted anything signed, & busted my stones a lil when I told him I was there to see RG. RG got a kick out of it tho, & they went back n forth on it for a moment. Wanna say he KB was defending Champ at the time. 2nd was celeb bartender at a Joliet bar. Could been Tom Cruise in Cocktail, lol. Again, super cool. Big smiles, jokes, etc. Ya, he's a hothead....but I kinda can't be hypocritical on that one, lol.

I honestly think the NASCRAP ship has sailed . Robby has the new series to concentrate on now and think he will do just that . Yes he may still do a few races but it'll be on a strictly part time basis . NASCAR decided long ago it didnt need Robby well now Robby has decided he dont need them 

I thought that too but, the SI article makes me think RG would take on the Cup deal in addition to the SST project if Dodge came knocking.

Gotta disagree mj, I think the ship is docked. Waiting on the right funding. When that comes about, RG may capt. it, or find a steersman to take the sticks while RG rocks the SST's, & globaly pimps SPEED. Reasoning, once again theres $ in nascar. Also, just like the SST/ Bigfoot concept (create new brand loyal fans), there's new lil nascar fans born everyday

Robby driving a part time schedule with a Busch and another full time driver. thats it. YOU HAVE ALL HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!! haha


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