Looks like the Monster Truck is getting a new powder coat this week. I new they were big but boy, I want to see it when its all done.I like to thank one of the drivers that gave me 5 min. of his time.They hade 5 or 6 tucks in there.By the way he was a Robby fan,

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Truck, lol

I've been trying to find good pics of it for my RC project so far I'm just basing it on the pic that was on here when they made the Bigfoot announcement 

I go by the shop time to time.But dont want to put pics up if I dont have the ok from RG, Just nice to see it. Didnt take any today,Maybe in two weeks if I make it back over .

Is it at least close to the same ? 
I was hoping to make it to the open house in St. Louis June 30th for the debut but I don't think money will allow it. Anyone know if Robby will be there?

I dont think so. A lot to be done by the 30th. thats what I was told. Maybe TOG knows more.Big Foot will be going for 225 +ft later this year. They want to go big and get 275 ft .I would pay to see that . lol .

I know nothing. I'm in Sonoma mode. :)

Enjoy if you are there TOG.
I live 60 miles away and just can't make it happen.
I will have my fingers crossed though.


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