Hello fellow "planetiers".

I am a huge fan of Robby, as you all.

So I decided to show my support to him and to the planet.

I have been practicing Ski for a few years and I have seen people with Monster or red bull stickers on their helmets, but never a Speed helmet.
That gave me the idea of creating one. Bellow you can see pictures as how it looks (Side and Back).

Thanks to all.




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Skiing? As in downhill? Helmet looks great! Maybe invert the next one with a black Speed logo over orange (or green yellow pink whatever suits your fancy)

Got any action shots?

Thanks. I am not a professional i just ski for fun.

Looks good to me, but I have to +1(Dave McP)the orange helmet with the logo in black over it. The orange has become the signature base color

Thanks. I know the orange would look better, but this helmet wasn't available in orange.

Pretty cool . I've been skiing once spent more time on my butt than skis lol .

thanks. with a little bit of practice you will get there. at the beginning the same happen to me.

Lol being I'm from Buffalo NY area you'de think I'd love snow but huh NO ! Lol

Looks sweet to me!!!!

I must say I like it. Good job!

thanks Sarah

I was a Ski Patrol (NSPS) & an instructor of handicapped & para skiers for quite a number of years.
Never wore a helmet back then, but took a few 'noggin bonks'.
Get that lid built & post a few real pix...
I've got a couple kids that could use the stickers on their bike helmets.
"Short Skis & Disco Sucks!"

as soon as I have the final product, I will post the pics here.


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