TOG,maybe able to provide info when the release has been green lighted.I don't have any rumor's to spread.
Some have tweeted interest...Jeremy Mayfield, David Stremme
I may have tweeted I have interest,just no money!
Yep..."driving the 77 Speed Energy/Toyo/Traxxas....NASCAR driver and Baja winner Robby Gordon!"
what or why the media does or doesn't do is a conundrum.Take last week-weekends big ball event.Some Manning guy,the world best ever was going to provide a world beat down,cure cancer,end poverty,what ever.
This is great ! First off let me say that I have never heard the phrase you have "Dirt in your head". I've never even had the thought enter (perhaps no room with all the dirt) my head to use the term. I must say I like it. I don't like the direction it was sent I must say.............even though I could not pick any of our members out of a line up I could pick a few out of a voice line up....if they were asked the right questions of course. First question would be a tough one, I'd ask "Who has the best fans in the world?" Everybody would answer I'm sure..."Robby Gordon". Then I would ask the idiotic ones like "Will he ever race NAZICAR again"? and the cornucpoia of pick whatever the fuck one you want that starts with "Why don't Robby_________________________"? Then I would ask THE BIG ONE. Why if you all claim to be the greatest fans in the world of a sportsman do you chose to bicker over meaningless nonexistant conjecture that serves no other purpose than to make it possible to differentiate yourself from the group as a whole and subject yourself to being part of a select subgroup that either..............Wow, my nurse just told me my bath is ready and here I was ready to start thinking of something meaningful to say...second one this month , they might want to use soap this time.........But I know that bitch, If I sit here long enough the damn thing will warm up enough so I don't have to climb right out and take a piss ...........what would you think if you read a page that your fans gathered at and found one guy saying "Your head has too much dirt in it" or ...hold on.......Is that a dig on dirt racing or stupidity or being dead so long dirt is entering your head ?.............Mike K. is there dirt in your ears? What gives? I challenge the group to get thias to 200 posts..............each being stupider.... more stupid......not as stupid as the one after it.......anyway. Either bring on the crickets or lets run with this one.
Not sure what language that is...but it's funny!
lol, Martinez you are a hoot!
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