I purchased 2 of Dale Earnhardt Sr’s tires from RCR in 1998. (makes great end tables) Does Robby Gordon Motorsports sell Robby Gordon’s tires, rims, damaged body panels, damaged or used parts, etc. Do you ship tires? (shrink wrapped)
There are some hoods for sale -> http://speedenergyshop.bigcartel.com/category/authentic-team-gear
97 viewers read this discussion, that means they are interested, should I start a Petition.
TOG, any idea on the shipping cost of those hoods? One would go great with my quarter panel!
in 3 hours 77 viewers read this discussion. from 97 viiewers to 174 viewers
Robby Gordon Motorsports could be selling alot of tires,
How about a set of Toyo's for my daily driver? Any Dakar Rally deals out there? I'm buying Toyo's because they sponsor Robby!
Get what's on the Gordini ... $50 off special ... tire warning label : "For Racing Purposes Only"
I want to purchase used Autographed Robby Gordon tires (with Dakar dirt, sand, scuffed) to make a glass top coffee table to go along with the two Dale Earnhardt Sr used tires (“Autographed, Scuffed, rubbed, and marked up”) glass top end tables. I want tires that tell a story, not new tires.
I have an autographed hood from robbys rookie season in nascar... #40 coors light silver bullet. I won in in a contest at the local Walmart. my wife won't let me bring it in the house so it is hanging in my shop. lol
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