Check this out you all
9/16/15, 10:42 PM
The Stadium SUPER Trucks Speed Energy Drink compound under construction at the Sand Sports Super Show.

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Damn sorry guys the link ain't working . Anyway a thread needed to be started on it anyway so here we go . I know of at least 1 Planeteer whose going . Our ole buddy Wally and his wife are celebrating their anniversary at the show .
Here we got it to work
@SPEED_ENERGY: The Stadium SUPER Trucks Speed Energy Drink compound under construction at the Sand Sports Super Show.

I hope Max ... gives it another try this year ... he's a darling

Yep he's a chip off the old block for sure

A dragon lives forever ... but not so little boys ...

Painted wings and giant's rings ... make way for other toys ...

I'll be there Sat the 19th

I can't get over how much talent Max has wow amazes me everytime I see the vidoes

I'll be there Saturday. Getting there about 1:00pm for Sand Show and then staying for the races.

Hoping to be there a bit earlier but never know...definitely staying for the races

T.O.G. ... any chance of Periscope surfacing this weekend?


and strong possibility of live stream


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