Hidden Valley, Darwin, Australia. CrownBet Darwin Triple Crown
June 16th-18th

Friday, June 16th, 2017
11:35am - 11:55am Practice & Qualifying
2:25pm - 2:45pm Race
Saturday, June 17th, 2017
11:45am - 12:05pm Shoot out
3:10pm - 3:30pm Race
Sunday, June 18th, 2018
11:45 - 12:05pm Shoot out
4:35pm - 4:55pm Racing
Schedule subject to change

Darwin is 13 1/2 hours ahead of ET ,16 1/2 PT ( As I post this ,it's 6:30pm PT, it's 11:00am Darwin Time)

Check out Stadium Super Trucks Facebook page and Like for FaceBook updates

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Same with Kyle Bush , double standard..Hamilton and Bush are not on the other hand running F1 and NASCAR.. Robby Gordon is running a racing series and he should have known better, as he is setting an example for SST

Ok Mike Kenyon you appear to have very little idea how things work here. My previous comment seems to have disapoeared . CAMS is like ACCUS in the US and can do the banning. Ok you say you have other venues but what of the prospective venues is going to make a deal with an organiser who has bedn banned in another country?
Who is going to handle the negotiations for an extentsion of contract if the owner and main promotor is banned?

HAHAHAHA Ecclestone could tell all of Australia go take a fair suck of the sav and it wouldn't matter one bit to the sport.

Can some one ban Mr Robert from posting here,. no one agrees with you here or anywhere your been posting about the latest on RG,. stop the bs. for good.

Amen Chup !!! He needs to go watch Crocodile Hunter reruns and drink a Fosters lol .
Well RG is banned. So what are you going to do about that? You spin some positive out of that

The way I read the article RG is banned from COMPETING in Australia...doesn't say he can't enter the country and run the series

indefinite suspension from competing in CAMS event.

The next SST race is Adelaide, 2018. They will either get it sorted by then, or SST can use someone other than CAMS for their races.

And RG can get a ride with someone in Darwin :) He can ride shotgun :)

Unfortuntely you do not get it. That is the ONLY organisation that can sanction Adelaide.
No he cannot ride shotgun, one occupant per car

You're right, Robert. TOG doesn't get it. Never mind that he is employed by RGM, travels with the team, and perhaps knows more about the inner workings of the company and series in the tip of his little finger than you do in your whole body. Yeah, TOG doesn't get it.

lol. Ride shotgun in a passenger car

But what do I know...

True. He can do that , but when renogating contracts come up after Townsville, who is going to be doing it? He cannot get involved as someone banned from Motorsport activities in Australia. Needs to get someone else. The problem is then CAMS will have nothing to do with SST.
Robby should not have done the burnouts


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