I know we have some insiders on this site, has anyone seen any pictures of RGM Toyotas yet?

I do know the shop started switching over to Toys well before the announcement, I was just curious if anyone has seen or taken any photos.

Whos going to have the first pic? My money is on TOG.

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TOG said he expected it yesterday. He will post when he receives the pic. Hope that it is soon.
Don't bet the farm!
Don't let us down, we are counting on you.
If you just want to see what last years paint looks like on a Toyota...here you are.
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I like this scheme WAY more than the flames thing...I wish Robby would run it more often, or just all the time
Thank you Garrett!
Like to see the "Flames" scheme reversed...red in the front and black on the rear...could you post one!
I would like to see that one as well. Go Garrett go!
if I get some time I'll try er out.
I like the "chrome" wheels even though they remind me of POS's cars.


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