Join in to discuss Stage 1 of the 2019 Dakar Rally, January 7th, 2019

Lima > Pisco

Liaison: 331 km / 206 miles
Stage: 84 km / 52 miles

Schedule: *All times local time GMT-5 (3 hours ahead of PST)

Cars: 11:54am/et

Start times for Robby Gordon, Cole Potts & Blade Hildebrand: TBA

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yea I saw that on the other tracker and then came her and saw TOG post saying 20th so yea I am confused like you

I like this one better :)

Daker site reflected TOG's positioning up until a little bit ago. I'm going with bank error in our favor!

So I get back from the shift and check in and RG is in 1st!?!?!? How did this wondefulness happen?

Same on site too!



if you do not know then we are all in trouble LOL

Any idea why they show RG as leading in the "Rankings" tab on the Dakar site? It also shows Hildebrand in 3rd and Potts in 17th. It shows his time at 55:09, 6:32 ahead of Al-Attiyah. It is also showing him in first on the timing page now as well, when they had in 20th or 21st earlier.


Could've been a bad waypoint sensor?? We'll see!!!

Now they have him back to 21st.

Zero news stories, so it must be a mistake. Drama storm coming if it is correct, lol.


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