Join in to discuss Stage 2 of the 2019 Dakar Rally, January 8th, 2019

Pisco > San Juan de Marcona

Liaison: 553 km / 344 miles
Stage: 324 km / 201 miles

Schedule: *All times local time GMT-5 (3 hours ahead of PST)

Robby Gordon - 6:18am/et | Blade Hildebrand - 6:33:30am/et | Cole Potts 6:42am/et

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@Robert, take it to Planet Loeb, this is our only warning. Mike Kenyon

Thumbs up.

seriously how many other Americans have gone to DAKAR to compete. Seriously as long as Robby and his sidekicks finish the rally I will be happy. He is doing things his way and that is the American Way #FullSpeedAhead

And what I always liked when I was racing is others on are the track but if you are first or last you are always first racing yourself and in a rally format like Dakar I only imagine that is more so just like Robby took credit for time lost in stage one over driving the course trying to sneak some saved time

Thumbs up! I didn't know Russian trolls were such Loeb fans.

We know anyone can rent a race car. People are Robby fans because he does things his way. I think everyone is well aware you know how to win a rally race now so I guess we’ll see you out there with your own car next year.


The pug was based on the hummer and gordini + cubic $$$


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