Join in to discuss Stage 5 of the 2019 Dakar Rally, January 11th, 2019

Tacna > Arequipa

Liaison: 175 km / 109 miles
Stage: 519 km / 322 miles

Schedule: *All times local time GMT-5 (3 hours ahead of PST)

Robby Gordon - TBA | Blade Hildebrand - TBA | Cole Potts - TBA

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We've been known to get it wrong from time to time.

Good News TOG. Hope the Coronel-twins are in the race aswell.

THey are off at 10:54 Local time (7:54PST)

Team just told me that Blade begins at 10am, Robby at 10:15am? (They might have meant 11am & 11:15am)

I think Cole is a no go today. Don't believe he finished stage 4

Again, thanks for the update TOG. Never a dull moment...

Cole is a no go. They will try and fix the car so he can restart after the rest day due to the new rule. Only bad part is once you do that you can not help other cars in the race.

good way to show people how gnarly this race is.

Seems tracking has ceased again.. News has car leaders thru WP 1, tracker way off.

I miss the old tracker from 2006, 2007 & 2008

No joke! I'm sticking with the planet, @bobbychuck31 and our new friend @fishgistics

Fish been around a awhile.


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