Whats up with the guys driving the second hummer. there falling behind. Why din't B.J Baldwin drive this year .he's one of the best offroad drivers right now. winning the Score championship. he's on fire!! I just think he would have done a better job.

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Ron Baileys Vanguard sponsors the 2nd hummer and had his choice of driver, which was Eric. Maybe BJ should have sent him a christmas card last year.
might be a little bad blood there. Ronn doesn't seem to be part of the offroad group here.
Judging from how Rally drivers are doing, Sébastien Loeb may have been the man to go after.
To be fair, its not like these drivers come out of nowhere for this particular race. The guys with Rally backgrounds and Rally-Raid experience have done well at the Dakar, CER and PAX as well.

Yesterdays course in South America was ideal for them though.
My pick was Schesser.
If not BJ, I also would've like to have seen Schesser.
Schlesser did the Africa Rally which just finished
They are doing fine, BJ, what is his rally experience?
As far as I know the only Rally BJ has even driven was the Central European Rally, but he showed well for himself with a top ten finish ahead of RG.

And yeah, the second Hummer is actually doing very well. They had a mechanical failure during the 1st or 2nd stage, and it really would not have mattered who was driving it at that point. A failure is a failure. Theyve been moving up steadily since.
BJ drove the 2nd Hummer last spring. He has experience. He said really wanted to drive it again and thought he would up to the last minute. He would have done a great job. He won the 500 and almost won the 1000 without the benefit of a second driver. Blame the moron of a judge for his ruling. RG wanted BJ.
I'm sure if Robby had his pick of driver, BJ would have been a top candidate.
No if RG had his pick BJ would've been in the truck, fact. I can also verify Terie's statement about BJ's desire to drive. He was hoping to get the call to drive, right up to the call he got that someone else was driving.


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