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  • Sherri    Fryer
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  • Christy... aka "robbyfan1st".
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GrayAntiMatter's Discussions

My favorite comment on the upcoming year for RG
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike Kenyon Jan 31, 2010.

RG on Sportscenter top ten!
13 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nena Patrick Mar 14, 2009.


GrayAntiMatter's Page

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GrayAntiMatter replied to Mike Kenyon's discussion Happy Independence Day
"It's absolutely wild that this place is still up...."
Jul 22, 2023

Profile Information

When did you become a Robby fan ?
Long long ago, in a series far far away. With a driver that appears to no longer exist.
Will Robby ever win the Dakar Rally ?

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At 12:19pm on August 31, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
No, there isn't. You know it's bad when Danica is a major topic of discussion, not to mention Steven Wallace. It makes me laugh because of all the times when people would say "this is Planet Robby, not so and so , so if you want to talk about him/her , go to their site". Boy , how times have changed !
At 8:24pm on August 29, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Nice to see you jump in with both feet in a couple of the discussions.As you can see, not much of actual importance being thrown out there . YAWN.... LOL

As usual, it was nice of you to pay a visit. I do still like to hear your point of view, even if some others don't.
At 5:24pm on July 6, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Now, now, no need to get all emotional.... LOL After all, I know how much you like the time spent here....
At 8:58pm on July 5, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
It's always a treat for me when you drop by the Planet. =)
At 12:10pm on June 25, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
This is just my opinion , if you and a few others like you are kicked off this place, it will be a bunch of people who always agree about everything. I would miss you. Can you imagine what that will be like ? I guess there are no two sides of every discussion these days ..... that's pretty pathetic IMO . But then what the hell do I know about anything ?

Every time a realist gets kicked off this site it gets a little harder to spend any time here .
At 12:57am on June 24, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Exactly ! You're the first person to get that !
At 1:33pm on June 9, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
"Reality, it's not for everyone" , that is so true! I think that would look good on a t-shirt or poster. =)

I'm becoming more convinced that a lot of people are living under a cloud of delusion about a great many things, not just racing.
At 3:40pm on June 5, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Gray, you gotta stop making comments that make sense, it's frowned upon on here, don't you know ? LOL
At 1:13pm on May 27, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I hear you about there not being much to comment on, besides, if you do say something , sure as anything someone is going to get pissed and say you're not a 'real' Robby fan. Go figure...... LOL

I totally agree that Spotted Cow is awesome, and yes, he gave up on the place earlier this year. I still miss him being here, as he was one of a few voices of reason. =)

I'll be on the lookout for when you do stop by, and hopefully get to read your comments.
At 8:12pm on May 23, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Man, is it good to have you back ! I don't know about anyone else , but I've missed you ! LOL Will you be coming back on a regular basis, or just now and then ?
At 11:52pm on April 9, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Hey stranger, how have you been?
At 10:08pm on June 30, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hah , the blue hair pic , all right Gray ! That's a nice shade of blue, by the way. lol
At 12:32pm on June 12, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
I think some need to stop worrying about what you use for an avatar . Voicing your opinion is of more importance , IMHO . Yes , even though many won't like what you say. =)

I think you should use whatever pic you want . It doesn't change what's in your head , or the way you share your opinion.
At 12:35am on June 12, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Since I know the story behind your current avatar , I have to say I'm glad you recovered from the accident . This place needs you , even if no one wants to admit it .

Maybe you should use the photo of you with blue hair since some must make such a to do about the way you look . Unibomber.... ppfffttttt !
At 11:12pm on June 11, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Good for you ! But you do have a good bit of racing knowledge . I still find myself thinking you're older than you actually are at times .
At 8:46pm on June 10, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Being odd is okay , at least you're honest about it. =)
At 10:52pm on June 4, 2010, WJM said…
Just yankin' your chain.
At 10:24pm on December 24, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Happy Holidays Gray !

Dakar isn't that far away !
At 5:59pm on November 25, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Gray , just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving .

Are you about ready for Dakar ?
At 7:37pm on November 9, 2009, TOG said…
Your comment got removed because it was a cheap shot. Hey 1 out of 1,000 aint bad .

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