I recognize this has probably been one heck of a year for you. I'm glad I don't have your job..you couldn't pay me enough. There has not been much good to talk about this year, and plenty of stuff that needs "spun" or shushed up. I feel your pain. How many different ways can you say..we screwed up on the set up, something totally f-ing off the wall happened, or our luck sucks ass. However, I do have one small piece of advice for you. Robby still has some (I debated on putting the some in caps or italics, but couldn't decide how much emphasis to put on "some") hardcore, stubborn, devoted fans hanging around. Most that were on the bandwagon for the "good-times" ride have hopped off. The sentence "I appreciate my fans for sticking by me through this shitty ass year" would go a long way at this point. Of course, you will want to find some p.c. wording to replace "shitty ass year" . That's okay, I understand. It's not the particular words, it's the feeling behind them. Just throw us a small bone, will ya? We are still here, watching, hoping, wearing your crap, supporting your sponsors, listening to endless amounts of trash talking.

Think about it. It's just one sentence.

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Comment by MOracefan7 on September 7, 2008 at 12:14am
Sorry, that should say "wouldn't hurt" not would hurt. Duh.
Comment by MOracefan7 on September 7, 2008 at 12:13am
I don't want to know what is going on at RGM. Don't really care. I don't want him to disclose anything. I'm not asking for that, and I never said that. I'm just saying that it would hurt to acknowledge those people that are behind him no matter what and have been for the past three years and longer. Read what I said..one simple sentence would do. He doesn't have to explain ANYTHING. You are reading stuff into what I said. No, he didn't build RGM for the fans.

We aren't so far down the food chain sweetie. We are the bread and butter of why he has sponsorship in the first place. People aren't watching him ride around in 35th place and thinking..lets go get some Jim Beam and Monster. They are counting on sponsorship loyalty from US and so is he.
Comment by Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". on September 6, 2008 at 7:34pm
First, Robby never started RGM for his fans, that I am certain. Does he appreciate his fans? You bet. Is there another driver out there who is as personable and available to his fans as he is? I don't thinks so.What you're really trying to say is, we love you, we have stuck by you during the thick and thin times at RGM. Will we continue to do so? You bet, but please let us know what's going on at RGM. Am I on the right track, MOracefan7? What you don't get is that it is impossible for Robby to do so without disclosing information he is unable to disclose. I would like to know what is going on at RGM as well as the next guy, but being a robbyfan1st, I understand that he's jumping through a lot of hoops right now and I will know what is going on at RGM is when it's possible for Robby to let us know.We're real far down the food chain, pal and he knows his true fans will be there for him I just want whats best for RGM and Robby and when the dust settles he'll be the first to agree it's been a shitty ass year and thank everyone who has supported him.
Comment by roush699 on September 6, 2008 at 7:19pm
I like Shitty Ass year too. No better way to put it. At least the PR person wouldn't get fined for saying it on TV. And Robby did make up 4 laps ar RIR a few seasons ago, so why not have a little wishful thinking? He does run well there. I just hope he can finish well tomorrow.
Comment by Sarah on September 6, 2008 at 6:44pm
Robby has never been one to be p.c. about anything. Why should he start now? Shitty ass year works for me too!

And as a stubborn devoted fan, here is my wishful thinking for tomorrow: GOOO ROBBY!!
Comment by Mouseking7 on September 6, 2008 at 6:38pm
Pretty much sums it up!!!!!!!!! No sense sugarcoatng any of it!!!!!
Comment by alan4s on September 6, 2008 at 6:27pm
Nope. Shitty Ass Year sums it up perfectly - don't change it.

Good post.

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