So watching the videos from the silver state BJ made it very clear he want to "drive right thru that Muther Fu£&er" and that he didn't care about the race but just doing that. Then reading on RDZ his after race quote was this...“There was a lot of trash talking online from Robby Gordon prior to the race which made it personal to me. I forgot about the race and I just wanted to beat Robby. I just wanted to catch him and give him my bumper,”

Anyone have any frickin clue what smack talk was being said and where? Or was BJ just making crap up to get motivated. You can see him smile even with his helmet on after his comment but it seems weird that them being pretty good racing friends (that i have seen and heard) that Robby would talk crap or BJ make crap up....

Any thoughts?

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BJ won the overall, so I guess his motivation was warranted. Chalk it up to Monster vs Speed Energy. Game on!

Think it was exactly that TOG just b-s ing among energy drink drivers

BJ was pissed about something RG did, but like I said, it motivated him to the win.

From BJ's Fbook

Ballistic BJ Baldwin
I am an RG fan. Have been since I was 15 and I always will be. But I don't care who you are. If you are being a dick I'm gonna call you out on it. I've never taunted Rob or said anything bad about him but he has made this "Energy drink" thing personal. He was being a total jerk a few days ago and this interview was taken 10 minutes before the start of the race. Needless to say I was pretty motiva...ted and it was a good win for us. It took everything I had to beat him. He is an amazing driver and when both our trucks are running we bring out the best in each other.
Win lose or break it is truly an honor and a dream come true to race against him. Congrats on your class 1 three peat Robby. That is very impressive. Looking forward to beating you at the Baja 500. Talk to you soon buddy.

I'll still put the house payment on Robby.

Both guys ......
Competitive but also friends 

I think BJ has the right attitude. You can't let business ruin a friendship.

I like BJs attitude. sometimes shit happens, and people get offended. Not my place.
BJ and Rob have a different type of relationship, but hope they keep it real amongst any trash talk on either side.

BJ had 1 flat tire and ROBBY 0 he drove with the same tires from start to finish and BJ never past him . Also ROBBY was not driving some UTV or some 70 mph vehicle so BJ can chance tires and repair ........... i think ROBBY won overall .
BJ is verry fast also but he can't change tires in seconds.....

BJ won the overall fair n square


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